The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to electrical, electronics, and computing technologies, including but not limited to:
Track 1: Electronics
- Signal and Image Processing
- Biomedical Engineering and Systems
- Embedded Systems
- Neural Networks and Intelligent Systems
- MEMS Design
- Satellite and Wireless Communications
- Next Generation Mobile Communications
- 5G Applications and Emerging 6G Technologies
- Solid State Devices and Materials
- Optical Communications and Photonics
- RF and Microwave Circuits and Devices
- Wireless/Radio Access Technologies
- Massive MIMO Communication Systems
- Electronic Devices and Circuits
- Advanced drone technology and 3-D printing
- Nano-materials
Track 2: Communication
- Professional Communication
- Wireless Communication Topics
- Optical Communication
- Remote Sensing
- RF System
- Signal Processing
- Digital System Design
- Smart Grid
- Control System
- Robotics, Drones, UAV
- Information Theory & Coding
- 5G, 6G and beyond
- Future Technologies
- Fake news detection
- QoS provisioning and Architectures
- Communication technologies for animals, animal
- Machine Learning for Communications
- Industrial Applications
- Terahertz Communication
- Green Communication Networks
- Multimedia Communication and Software
Track 3: Industry 4.0, Control and Automation
- IoT, AI, ML Robotics Applications in Automation
- Process Controland Industry 4.0
- Recent trends in Control Systems and Applications
- Heath care and Applications
- Robotics in Agriculture and Environment monitoring
- Electric Vehicle Mobility
Track 4: Networking
- Wireless Networking Topics
- Network Security
- Sensor Network
- Computer Networks
- Power Distribution Networks
- Optical Networks
- Ubiquitous Networks
- Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
- Measurement and Performance analysis
- High Speed Networks
- Network Based Architectures
- AR/VR streaming
- Next Generation Internet
- AI/ML techniques for Computer Networks
- Network softwarization for 5G/6G
- Socio-economic impact and regulations
- Machine-to-Machine communication networks
- Security/privacy issues
- 5G /6G in Education
- Cryptography
Track 5: Computing Technologies
- Image Processing
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Big Data
- Data Science
- Data Mining
- Computer Science Topics
- Medical Imaging
- Computer Graphics
- Cyber Security
- Internet of Things
- Biometrics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Women in Computing
- Data Visualization
- 3D, AutoCAD
- AI in Education
- Augment Reality, Virtual Reality
- Computational Theories of Learning